Find B2B email addresses and verify them for outreach scaling.
Email finder tool
Leads search
what is Tomba
Tomba is an AI tool that specializes in finding email addresses for businesses and individuals, with a database of over 430 million email addresses. It offers various search filters to help users find the right leads and acquire essential contact details, including email addresses and phone numbers. Tomba also verifies data in real-time, ensuring that users connect with genuine, qualified leads.
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👍🏻 Advantages
- Effective email finding
- Advanced search filters
- Real-time data verification
😁 Disadvantages
- Focuses on finding email addresses and phone numbers
- A possibility of inaccurate or outdated information
💰 Plans and pricing
- Free
- $28 per month
- $63 per month
- $133 per month
- $273 per month
📺 Use cases
- Lead Generation
- Finding business emails
- Automate email lead generation
👥 Target audience
- B2B sales and marketing professionals
- Business owners and entrepreneurs
- Developers and engineers
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